Look What I Got, Doctor!
2007 – 2009


I am interested in exploring the coexistence of the harmonious perspectives of the human body with the objects symbolizing abstract ideas. This way I am studying the relation between the physical and metaphysical.

"Look What I Got, Doctor!" is series of sculptures that was inspired by my own health issues. Searching for the cause of my pain I looked through count­less medical books and caught a new glimpse inside the human body. I found many intriguing anatomical images that I wanted to incorporate into my sculptures. This process has also greatly helped me to come to terms with my injury.

My sculptures suggest anatomical references, without necessarily trying to pre­serve the exact anatomy. Instead, the work symbolizes the growth and elegance that each of us carries inside, just as much as we carry our beauty outside the body. The figures are unzipping themselves to reveal the lyrical symbols of roses, birds, mysterious flowers and bamboo shoots. These symbols emphasize the connection we share with other living creatures and they lend us their own beauty as we grow into a healthier state of body and mind. I made bleached, dry sur­faces on the figures to contrast and emphasize the colorfully glazed insides. The idea is to surprise the viewer with an unpredictable exposure of the interior yet allow the surprise to be a pleasant one.